Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Family Still Grows...

We have so been waiting for Jo and Amanda to announce to the world their most awesome news... its true, to be said in Jo's words.... "another bucket of sunshine"! We can't wait! Sometime in October guess we'll be planning a trip to New York!! Goodness Gracious... Missing my bestest girlfriend... I need my Ellie fix!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So Many Blessings....

The holidays passed us by in a whirlwind of love, laughter, heartache and perspective! It has been one crazy ride.
In October, Doug, Cache, Amanda and I, flew to Georgia to visit Jordon. He was right in the middle of his AIT training and not able to come home till Christmas, so went to him. We had a great time. We visited every corner of Augusta, Old and New. We were able to attend the Country Living Fair that was conveniently scheduled around our visit. We had a blast and felt very fortunate to be able to visit our son in that part of the country.
We had a crowd for Thanksgiving and felt very blessed to have the family there that was able. We missed Jo but knew he was safe and well and we would see him soon. We missed our Elder too but we knew also that he was being taken care of by his ward family. There was so much to be grateful for, Our loved ones, Our health, Our faith, Our friends, Our home, Our freedoms, Our country, and the list goes on and on.
The next event came in the form of the cutest little guy I have seen in a long time. Tage Douglas Kinsman graced us with his presence December 6th. We were so anxious to get him here and it was totally worth the wait, he is the sweetest, bestest natured baby ever... do I sound like the doting grandma! Grandma, its been 3 years and it still sounds crazy to me. How in the world did I get here to this point in life, what happened to the rest? I can't remember, it has flown by way to quickly. I have to say... I love it!!
Jo flew home on the 15th of December and the following weekend we spent at our annual family Christmas Weekend- this year we were able to be at Wolf Creek which happens to be a family favorite. We always have so much fun with each other and I hope we will be able to continue this tradition for many years to come. Jo and Amanda had their Christmas there that weekend because Jo had to report to Ft Drum New York on the 29th of December. As they would be driving there they would have to leave before Santa could arrive the normal way. We had a lot of fun with Ellie and are grateful to Jo and Amanda for sharing their time with us.
After such a fun, busy week it was time to settle in for the big day. I was a bit apprehensive knowing that it would just be the 3 kids for Christmas when we are used to such a big crowd and then some. I couldn't imagine that Christmas would be all that special with out everyone here. To my utter amazement, Christmas was fabulous- it was so special to spend the time with these three at home and knowing that our others were enjoying that same special time with their own families.
Our biggest present of the day came later that morning when our missionary called from Tacoma. It was so good to hear from him and hear about all the good things that he is doing. We love him so much and are so very proud of the good things that he is doing. I am sooo counting down the days until he gets to be home and so are his brothers. He was able to talk to all of us even Jo on the road and Kasey at his own home. What a special day! I sure to love my family!