Monday, October 26, 2009

Apple Pickin' Fun...

I thought a cousin's "Apple Pickin' Day" would be a fun way to get all the apples picked and in for the winter. We had a fairly good turn out considering the rainy weather. Uncle Bill and I made Bill's famous white bean chili and for dessert- carmeled apples Aunt Jeri style! The kids had a blast, they picked the apples off the trees and put into boxes, picked apples off the ground to feed to the animals. The only kids that were dragging their feet and complaining about the whole business was my own. They didn't see how apple picking was a special treat and why the cousins seemed to be having such a good time at it!! While researching online about some other farm related activity, I came across the instructions for a homemade apple cider press. I was sooo excited. The apples were so good this year I have resolved to spray more dilligently next year and grind those apples into delicious apple cider, I even bought two more apple trees. I think this now puts our total up to 16 apple trees at the orchard, 3 peach, 1 nectarine, 2 cherry,1 choke cherry, 1 pear and a plucot ( a hybrid mix between apricot and plum). This will probably be our last Family Orchard day until next spring. I am sure though, it won't be the last of our Family gatherings- we love each other too much to wait that long to hang out with each other! It is not hard for us to come up with a good reason to get together- happy snow day... pancake cookoff... just desserts... snowmen and sleds... movie night... christmas lights... the list goes on and on!!
P.S. Thanks to everyone who helped out!!!

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